A dedicated hub for uniting the vibrant spirit of Murwillumbah's community. Offering Yoga, Bungee Fitness classes & a space to gather, connect, celebrate and share in the collective magic of this land.





The Stables invites you to experience its trilogy of wellbeing, connectivity and celebration.

The versatile space sits in the heart of the Tweed caldera - Murwillumbah and it is the creation of a collective vision held by the family & run by their daughter Stacey.
Daily offerings include yoga and bungee fitness, something entirely new for the area.

The space is open for the community to use for workshops, classes and private events.

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Bungee Fitness

A fun way to move the body that is low impact and available to all ages & fitness levels. A great cardio and strength class.

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Unite mind, body & spirit in these creatively crafted classes that invite you to set intention, breathe and move in a way that feels good.

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Quantum reiki & Chakra Healing

Combine universal energy and individual life force energy. This practice can open up new pathways of healing & enhance wellbeing.

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wELLNESS Coaching

Move towards an elevated state of wellbeing, performance, consciousness & fulfillment of your higher potentials.

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Be guided into a deep state of relaxation and taken you on a journey into presence.

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Sessions are 90 minutes which include intention setting, guided meditation, intuitive touch and time for integration.

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Tailored classes to suit the levels & abilities of each individual such as if you are new to the practice, recovering from injury or a well versed yogi.

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Discover the stables

In the foothills of iconic Mount Warning, find open space, beautiful gardens and versatile structures where great things can happen.

whats on

Transformational Breathwork
9th February 7-9pm. 

Book Now

hire the venue

Welcome your people to a unique space like no other. With the absence of horses, a barn of stables, a round arena and the surrounding gardens have been reimagined to host diverse events in unique ways.

Enquire to hire